2015 - HB574 - Possum Drop Bill
Opossum Exclusion From Wildlife Laws
Harmful to animal welfare
Link to HB574 on ncga.state.nc.us
Exempt opossums from state anti-cruelty laws from Dec. 29th to Jan. 2 nd to allow the “Opossum Drop” to move forward. In an effort to hold one event, all opossums in NC will be unprotected for those days, allowing anyone to commit a cruel act against these animals without fear of prosecution.
Primary Sponsors:(4)
Senate Votes For:(38)
Tom Apodaca,
Chad Barefoot,
Phil Berger,
Stan Bingham,
Andrew C. Brock,
Harry Brown,
Bill Cook,
David L. Curtis,
Warren Daniel,
Don Davis,
Jim Davis,
Rick Gunn,
Fletcher L. Hartsell, Jr.,
Ralph Hise,
Brent Jackson,
Joyce Krawiec,
Michael V. Lee,
Paul A. Lowe, Jr.,
Tom McInnis,
Floyd B. McKissick, Jr.,
Wesley Meredith,
E. S. (Buck) Newton,
Louis Pate,
Ronald J. Rabin,
Shirley B. Randleman,
Gladys A. Robinson,
Bob Rucho,
Norman W. Sanderson,
Erica Smith-Ingram,
Dan Soucek,
Josh Stein,
Jeff Tarte,
Jerry W. Tillman,
Tommy Tucker,
Terry Van Duyn,
Joyce Waddell,
Andy Wells,
Mike Woodard Senate Votes Against:(9)
House Votes For:(94)
Jay Adams,
John Ager,
Kelly M. Alexander, Jr.,
Dean Arp,
Marilyn Avila,
Nathan Baskerville,
Larry M. Bell,
Dan Bishop,
John M. Blust,
James L. Boles, Jr.,
John R. Bradford, III,
William Brawley,
William D. Brisson,
Mark Brody,
Brian Brown,
Rob Bryan,
Dana Bumgardner,
Justin P. Burr,
Becky Carney,
Rick Catlin,
George G. Cleveland,
Jeff Collins,
Debra Conrad,
Ted Davis, Jr.,
Jimmy Dixon,
Josh Dobson,
Nelson Dollar,
Beverly M. Earle,
Jeffrey Elmore,
John Faircloth,
Elmer Floyd,
Carl Ford,
John A. Fraley,
Ken Goodman,
Charles Graham,
George Graham,
Mike Hager,
Susi H. Hamilton,
Edward Hanes, Jr.,
Jon Hardister,
Kelly E. Hastings,
Bryan R. Holloway,
D. Craig Horn,
Julia C. Howard,
Howard J. Hunter, III,
Pat B. Hurley,
Frank Iler,
Darren G. Jackson,
Charles Jeter,
Ralph C. Johnson,
Linda P. Johnson,
Bert Jones,
Jonathan C. Jordan,
Donny Lambeth,
James H. Langdon, Jr.,
David R. Lewis,
Marvin W. Lucas,
Chris Malone,
Susan Martin,
Pat McElraft,
Chuck McGrady,
Allen McNeill,
Henry M. Michaux, Jr.,
Chris Millis,
Rodney W. Moore,
Tim Moore,
Brig Gen (R) Gary Pendleton,
Michele D. Presnell,
Joe Sam Queen,
Robert T. Reives, II,
Bobbie Richardson,
Dennis Riddell,
George S. Robinson,
Stephen M. Ross,
Jason Saine,
Brad Salmon,
Jacqueline Michelle Schaffer,
Mitchell S. Setzer,
Phil Shepard,
Michael Speciale,
Bob Steinburg,
Sarah Stevens,
John Szoka,
Evelyn Terry,
Paul Tine,
John A. Torbett,
Rena W. Turner,
Ken Waddell,
Sam Watford,
Roger West,
Chris Whitmire,
Michael H. Wray,
Larry Yarborough,
Lee Zachary House Votes Against:(18)
Gale Adcock,
Cecil Brockman,
Rayne Brown,
Tricia Ann Cotham,
Jean Farmer-Butterfield,
Susan C. Fisher,
Rosa U. Gill,
Rick Glazier,
Duane Hall,
Larry D. Hall,
Pricey Harrison,
Yvonne Lewis Holley,
Verla Insko,
Paul Luebke,
Grier Martin,
Garland E. Pierce,
Brian Turner,
Shelly Willingham