North Carolina Voters for Animal Welfare Follow us on Facebook

Representative John Szoka

Grade: F
Reason For Grade: Primary Sponsor of 2015 HB405 Ag-Gag
District: House # 45
Party: Republican
Responded to survey: No
Phone: 919-733-9892
NCGA website: Click here for NCGA page

Voting Record

Bills Sponsored

Primary Sponsor
Bill Harmful to animal welfare
This ag-gag bill will punish employees who expose food safety, animal cruelty, and other illegal activity on factory farms. Rather than making reforms and cracking down on bad actors, the NC Poultry Federation and the NC Chamber of Commerce are trying to pass ag-gag to cover up illegal and unethical behavior.
Bill Supports animal welfare
The "Puppy Mill Bill".Provides standards for dogs living in commercial breeding facilities.

Voting Record

Vote Bill
Voted FOR bill that is harmful to animal welfare
Override of Gov. Pat McCrory's veto of a bill that would allow businesses to sue employees who secretly record animal abuse or other illegal activity.
Voted FOR bill that supports animal welfare
Prohibit PRIVATE ownership of big cats, bears, wolves and primates.
Voted FOR bill that supports animal welfare
Provides modest standards for commercial dog breeders, including veterinary care, parasite prevention, safe housing and exercise.
Voted FOR bill that is harmful to animal welfare
This ag-gag bill will punish employees who expose food safety, animal cruelty, and other illegal activity on factory farms. Rather than making reforms and cracking down on bad actors, the NC Poultry Federation and the NC Chamber of Commerce are trying to pass ag-gag to cover up illegal and unethical behavior.
Voted FOR bill that is harmful to animal welfare
Exempt opossums from state anti-cruelty laws from Dec. 29th to Jan. 2 nd to allow the “Opossum Drop” to move forward. In an effort to hold one event, all opossums in NC will be unprotected for those days, allowing anyone to commit a cruel act against these animals without fear of prosecution.
Voted FOR bill that supports animal welfare
The "Puppy Mill Bill".Provides standards for dogs living in commercial breeding facilities.
Voted FOR bill that is harmful to animal welfare
Allowed Brasstown, NC to capture a live Opossum, and drop it in a cage on new year's eve.
Voted FOR bill that supports animal welfare
Budget Amendment with Commercial Dog Breeder Language
Voted FOR bill that supports animal welfare
The main purpose of this bill is to improve regulations for animal shelters in North Carolina. But it also includes a provision that would allow an animal control officer, animal cruelty investigator or other emergency workers to break into your car if they think a pet locked inside is in danger. The bill requires them to try to find the owner first.